Monday, July 23, 2012


Reality kinda hit hard today. Picked up the phone thinking it was going to be my father - turned out to be a person trying to sell me a life in the military. Been annoyed since then, seeing as I have to look forward to real life after all is said and done... the military most likely not being that. The man was in a stupor when I said "I'd think about it" as if his car salesman pitch was going to work.

Went out to the movies again. Dark Knight this time. Something really weird happened, though. When we left the cinema,  it was storming a bit with lightning going on in the distance. My father called up a friend of his and had to pull over to the side of a road going back home because he was about to hit a dead zone on his phone. While we were parked there, I thought I saw a person standing the field. He was tall and white, but he was pretty descriptionless as far as appearance went. I just stared at him for about 30 seconds until a lightning flash took my gaze off him and he was gone. As my father drove off, I looked back and saw him standing where we had parked. I think I was the only one who saw him.


  1. Maybe he was just jealous that you got to see Dark Knight.

    Joking aside, did you notice anything else that was... odd about the man? Like, his face?

  2. He was kinda tall... I'm not sure, it was too dark out to make much detail out of him.
